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The site owes its existence to Steve Dean.Without Steve's dedication and commitment for over 25 years, GoS would not exist and be the valued and loved resource for all football fans that it is today. The site is truly the envy of many clubs, and we owe a huge debt to Steve for his tireless work, and continued support behind the scenes.

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Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive.
April 2024

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Argyle warm-up at Brechin

Dave Pay's Scottish Diary

Day 1

Well, it's Friday and time to set of on the annual tour of Scotland, only unlike last year, I will be taking the family with me. I had booked a cottage in the remote areas of Angus, and last night I worked out just how remote! This should be fun.

The car was loaded up with clothes, mainly Argyle shirts in my case, plenty of food, and Mrs Rotgmaster plus Ted the Dog. To break the journey, we were staying the night in Berwick on Tweed. We left Bristol in blazing sunshine, and as is usual on an Argyle trips, the weather worsened the further north we went. By the time we reached Yorkshire, it was hammering down, a state of affairs that continued until we reached our destination. We went to our room, and went out to find something to eat.

Berwick is a very nice town, steeped in history, and we saw a little of it on our quest, despite the awful weather. We made our way to the sea front to eat our food, and then retired to our guest house where I had a much earned rest! 

Day 2

Up nice and early on Saturday morning, first to stock up on breakfast, and secondly to give Ted a walk before the journey. I had worked out that Muirfield was somewhere between Berwick and Edinburgh, and I wondered whether traffic for the Open would hold us up. Luckily we saw little traffic, although the weather was still too wet for my liking. We bypassed Edinburgh, and went over the Forth Road Bridge. The toll surprised me, being a mere 80 pence - remember that next February when you are fleeced on the way to Cardiff. We had time for a quick drive round Dundee, and then headed off up towards Brechin. We arrived in the city of Brechin at about 1.00 pm, and parked up for a quick look around. I was surprised at the lack of Argyle shirts around (although I realised why later).

Brechin appears quite nice but a little run down, and it charges you if you need to 'powder your nose'. After Mrs Rotgmaster got some food, we made our way back to Glebe Park, only to be advised that the game was postponed. That explained why there was a lack of Argyle shirts in the city, and there was me thinking they were all in the pub!! To Brechin's credit they invited the fans that had not heard the news in for a free drink(s), and were incredibly hospitable. They explained that the postponement had cost them lots in corporate hospitality - they were billing the game as the "Battle of Britain". Remember the first team in Britain to gain promotion was Brechin, with Argyle a very close second.

They advised us that the game was being rearranged on the Sunday, at 1.30 pm, as the weather was forecast to be more favourable. Not very good for two Bristol based fans, who had booked tickets for The Open for Sunday - although I reckon it serves them right for liking golf. This meant that we could visit the supermarket just down from the ground, to purchase perishable food, plus a bit more alcohol. Then we went to find the cottage. Finding the village of Kirriemuir was fine, but we then had to go up into the hills. After driving what seemed days we finally arrived at our destination. The cottage is well furnished, and luxurious, which is such a relief. There is no other houses in sight, just mountains, trees and a few sheep, so we are definitely remote from the world.. We are actually further north than Brechin, which is a surprise. We have unpacked, had a meal and are preparing for a relaxing evening, with plenty of beer - well for me anyway. Mrs Rotgmaster has to think of junior's health


Nathan, Luggy and Blair at Brechin

Day 3

We woke up on the Sunday morning, and instead of preparing for a day out exploring, I had to prepare to set off back to Brechin. It had taken us an hour to get from Brechin to the cottage, and as I wanted to ensure I got a programme, I wanted to be at the ground for noon. I set off at 11.00 am, but had noticed a short cut yesterday, which I wanted to try. It worked, as it took me just 45 minutes to get to Brechin. It also meant that I saw a nicer part of the city, causing me to rethink my views. Despite being told that the ground would be open from noon, the gates did not open until nearly 1.00 pm, and a large contingent of Argyle fans were gathered outside - lucky we are a patient lot. When the gates did open, it was just a parent and child turnstile.

The club were very hospitable, but on this evidence lacked some organisation. The game itself was very entertaining. The locals were very friendly and told us bits about their side, such as the fact that the Number 5 was 40 years old - nothing wrong with that. Another of their players had been sacked by Arbroath for a prank during a pre-season photo shoot that I could not repeat in a family publication. I also learned some tales about the behaviour of the PASALB contingent that made even myself blush. For the right price I will be selling the tales to the tabloids!!

I managed to find my way back using the new route, and because the weather had improved we had tea on the terrace. A great way to relax after a game. We were planning to drive further up the road to see what was there, but as we overdid the alcohol it was not a good idea, and actually went to bed to get a bit more sleep. Bit different from last year when all I seemed to do was drink a lot in various Dundee hostelries. Must be growing up at last


Argyle have a goal disallowed for offside                                          David Beresford defending
               Action from Brechin
Stoney                                                                                         Beresford crossing

Day 4

Monday, and Argyle are at Montrose this evening. We had planned to do a walk around Montrose Estuary in the afternoon, so the morning was spent making the most of the sun that was breaking through the clouds. On the way back from Brechin I had noticed a noise coming from under my car, and upon further inspection there was something hanging down underneath. I jacked the car up to see if I could repair it, but my efforts made no difference. Therefore we had to try and find a garage to repair it. I phoned a garage in Kirriemuir but with no luck, so we thought that as we would pass through Brechin, we would try our luck. There was a garage on the Montrose Road and they agreed to fix it, and as it was a quick job, they waived any charge. So well done to Mackie Motors of Brechin.

We then made our way to Montrose, and to the start of the walk we were planning. The walk took us around the Estuary, which was lovely and peaceful. We saw plenty of birds, although could not identify many. The walk took us to the Bridge of Dun, and where the guide book said 'take a well trodden path', it omitted to mention that cattle also used the path. This meant that there was plenty of 'Exeter City' to avoid, and in places the path was nothing but 'Exeter City', so if anyone talked to me and noticed a strange odour, then I apologise. The path also took us very close to a few cattle, and we were worried that they might get close to us (shows we are really city people at heart). Luckily they were docile. Anyway we completed the walk, and Mrs RotgMaster wondered if we could take a look at the beach. So we drove to the beach, passing the setting up of a gymkhana and fair, so there was a serious counter attraction to Argyle. The beach was quite sandy, but there were little other attractions, other than a pitch and putt and a childrens' play area.

After that delight it was time to grab some food and make our way to the ground. Whilst outside the ground some Montrose players turned up - in a car sponsored by Mackie Motors. I wonder if that had any influence on my visit. I went into the ground, Mrs R preferring to sit outside in the car. I think the game at Tiverton really put her off friendlies! Inside I noticed that Taylor and Lowndes were training, so there were certainly going to be changes. During the game, I leant some more about the disgraceful behaviour of some of the Argyle fans staying in the area, such as a certain member of the PASTA crew who was a little worse for wear before setting off for The Open on Sunday. Disgusting!! Mind you, two members of the Argyle support challenged some of the young locals to a race around the ground during the game, as well as teaching them some of the favourite Argyle chants. I won't mention names, providing they both start paying £50 a month into my bank account…

After the game the drive home was relatively smooth, until kamikaze rabbits started hurling themselves out of the hedgerows in front of me. As one who likes nature, it was very trying having to keep slowing down and avoiding the lovely little bunnies. I blame Watership Down for this behaviour. If that was not bad enough, we also had to halt whilst a flock of sheep were herded up the road into a field. Still, it's all part of being at one with nature

Day 5

Tuesday, and the first free day of the trip. We had breakfast on the terrace, with the sun rising over the mountain tops. What a superb sight, I doubt it could be bettered - and that's no insult to the beautiful parts of Devon and Cornwall. After breakfast we wrote out a few postcards (if you do not get one, it must have got lost!) and generally pottered about, taking advantage of a lovely sunny morning. We had worked out a walk we wanted to do, further up the glen, and in the early afternoon we set off in the car, and went as far as the road would allow, then parked up. The walk was a round 3 miles and we went up a fairly decent track. It was not a major ascent, although there were a few of those around, including the infamous "Jock's Road" which ends up in Braemar. The views were incredible both of the mountains and the streams and I was glad that we had made the effort. The changeability of the weather became all too apparent when the clouds came in and the rain started. Luckily we were able to complete the walk, despite the inclement weather, and we then treated ourselves to a lunch in the Glen Clova Hotel, which was really good quality, but no doubt helped by the walk. We then returned home, and I was so tired I actually went back to bed for a couple of hours - I am definitely getting old. When I got up, we had some tea, and spent most of the evening watching television - all that way and television still dominates our life! Mrs R has to have her dose of Eastenders and Big Brother, and to be truthful I felt like a quiet night…. busier day tomorrow 

Day 6

Wednesday morning, and I rose early to do some Argyle research. Yes I have taken some Argyle books with me on holiday. Again the rising sun gave the mountain tops a gorgeous glow, that made the task far more enjoyable. After breakfast and some washing up, plus some hand washing (a webmaster's life is not all fun and games), we were off exploring again. We went into Kirriemuir to have a look around. Kirriemuir is the birth place of J M Barrie, who wrote Peter Pan. However, like many smaller Scottish towns, Kirriemuir was mainly closed for lunch, and for early closing on Wednesday! We did however sample what is supposed to be the best ice cream around, and it did live up to its reputation. I also managed to visit the ground of Kirriemuir Thistle.

After the teeming metropolis that is Kirriemuir, we could only visit one place, and that was Reekie Lin. This is a small walk to see a waterfall that produces a huge spray, and as the path goes along a gorge, with no fence, the view is breath taking for a number of reasons. Whilst driving around, we were listening to Mark and Lard on Radio 1, and they played some tracks by Senor Coconut, covers of Kraftwerk tracks in a samba style. It was a very surreal moment, and one that made me wonder what I had sprinkled on my breakfast. After that treat, we made our way to Forfar, where we undertook a walk around Forfar Loch. Again, not too far, just 3 miles, but with the chance to see plenty of wildlife around the loch. After that we found a local supermarket where we bought some food to eat, before making our way to Station Park, also helping an East Fife fan find the way.

After entering the ground I bumped into Chris Errington, who told me about our Worthington Cup draw, as well as discussing the scenery and its beauty. There was also a chance to catch up with other Argyle fans and to find out what they had been up to. Some had visited Dundee, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, others had been to see Dunfermline play Preston last night. Still, at least I did not lean of any more debauched behaviour - which may disappoint you…

There was plenty of banter with the younger locals from the vocal element of the Argyle travelling support, as well as the usual songs in favour of the Argyle players, including an adaptation of Down Down by Status Quo for Nathan Lowndes. Not sure whether it will catch on. After the game, it was time to rush home, so that Mrs R could catch up with Big Brother, and as it was still light the number of kamikaze bunnies was limited. However, we did encounter a deer, as well as a sheep on the road, so attention had to be focused. With the remoteness of our location, plus the beer I have taken with me, I wonder whether I am in Big Brother sometimes

Day 7

It's Thursday, and a quick check of the e-mail confirms what I was told at Forfar, that PASTA 5 A Side team won 10-1 on Tuesday. I can understand them winning without me, but Mark Colling was away too. Apparently new star striker Lewis returned with a vengeance.

Anyway, today we have decided to venture very far north and see the delights of Aberdeen. So after a leisurely morning, we set off up to Brechin to get on the main road and head north. The run is very smooth, and soon we are driving down Union Street and finding a place to park. Ted the Dog is with us, and those that own canines will know that a busy shopping area is not the best place for a dog. He copes well, and his bandanna attracts many admiring glances from the locals, although his tendency to have a wee on shop doorways is not pleasing Mrs Rotgmaster. The problem with going to new places is that you do not know where the places you want to see are located, and generally all you end up doing is wandering aimlessly. My main purpose was to get some of the films I had developed, and finally we found a place with 1 hour developing.

Then Mrs R wanted a look around, so I sat down with Ted, and it started to rain. There was little shelter around so we had to sit there getting rather wet, and with a bit of forethought I could have had a notice with me, asking for spare change, as we both looked bedraggled. Once Mrs R returned we continued our look round, including the impressive Marischal College, the 2nd largest granite building in the world (Madrid has the largest). Yes, I had avoided the cliché previously, but Aberdeen does deserve its nickname of The Granite City. After picking up the developed photos, it was time to head home. I did want to find Pittodrie, but as it was 5.00 p.m. I was conscious of getting caught in the rush hour, so we headed straight for the cottage. The road home was relatively quiet and we made good time, enabling me to have a few relaxing drinks 


Action from Argyle v Brechin

Argyle v Brechin City

Argyle won the "Battle of Britain" in a skilful, entertaining game at Glebe Park this afternoon. Brechin provided good opposition, to my surprise I have to admit, and Paul Sturrock will hopefully have learned plenty.
The first surprise I received upon entering the ground was to see Stuart Malcolm training with the team. I learnt quickly that Argyle had given him a year's contract, whilst Moliniere had been 'reluctantly released'. Apparently Sturrock had tried to fix the player up with St Johnstone. Argyle lined up in what I imagine will be close to a first choice XI, with Larrieu in goal, Worrell, McGlinchey, Wotton and Coughlan at the back, Bent, Friio, Adams and Beresford in the midfield, plus Stonebridge and Keith up front. I had noticed that Taylor and Lowndes were in the stand, Lowndes still out with injury, but Taylor must wonder what his situation is with the addition of Malcolm.
It was a lively start from both sides, Argyle looking to create early opportunities, but Brechin bringing an early save from Larrieu. The hosts then took the lead with Worrell bringing down a Brechin player in the area. The home number 7 blasted the penalty, and despite Larrieu getting a hand to the ball, it crossed the line. Argyle still looked lively, with Beresford as fast as we had been told, although his crosses were not as consistently good as I would expect. Friio was lively as ever but Bent and Adams looked a little subdued. Argyle got an equaliser when Stonebridge ran onto a clever ball over the top of the defence, and rounded the keeper, slotting the ball home coolly. Argyle still pressed and Friio sent a header over the bar, after Bent had a shot saved, following a McGlinchey cross. Stonebridge put the ball into the net again, after the keeper parried a Marino shot but was ruled offside. Friio also put the ball into the net, but again the assistant referee's flag was raised. The home side showed that despite their good football, they had some teeth, when McGlinchey was on the end of a high tackle - adding to the one he received at the end of the Tiverton game. Half time came, and time for the teams to regroup.


When Argyle came out there were no changes, adding to the feeling that this could be close to the line up for the first game. Again both sides created a lively opening. Beresford and McGlinchey were combining well down the left, and Bent stepped up his game. After a good move down the left, Keith put a header goalwards, with Stonebridge running in to attempt to convert the chance. Despite the close range, somehow the ball stayed out.
Beresford and Friio went close, with the Frenchman flashing a shot wide from an angle. Sturrock then changed the front two, with Evans and Blair Sturrock replacing them. Evans showed his ability when Beresford fed McGlinchey, who floated over a cross. Evans directed a header past the keeper to put Argyle in the lead.


However, the lead did not last long, with a long throw creating the chance for Templeman to loop a header over Larrieu. The game was evenly poised, and Argyle were preparing to make further changes, when a quick free kick released Blair Sturrock, who controlled the ball and hit a fierce drive. The keeper got a hand to the shot, but could not prevent the ball from ending up in the back of the net. Phillips and Hodges then replaced Beresford and Bent. Sturrock set up Hodges with a cross from the right, but the midfield player sent his shot wide. The home side thought they had equalised when a shot deflected off Coughlan, and over Larrieu, but over the bar as well. Just to add insult the referee gave Argyle a goal kick. Wills then replaced Friio. The last few minutes were a little uncomfortable as Brechin pressed for a third, but Larrieu was equal to any shots that came his way. The final whistle went, and the many Argyle fans there cheered. It was nice that the players acknowledged the support, as it is a long way from home.

Argyle v Montrose

Argyle continued their winning ways in Scotland with a hard earned victory at Montrose, with a side showing many changes from the previous day at Brechin. Nathan Lowndes had an outing, as did Stuart Malcolm. Argyle lined up with Larrieu in goal, with McGlinchey and Sturrock as full backs, with Taylor and Malcolm in the middle. Midfield consisted of Phillips, Bent, Wills and Hodges, and Lowndes and Evans starting up front. It was an unfamiliar look, but necessary if Argyle are going to use all the players during the season. Both sides had a lively start with Evans putting Lowndes through on goal. Lowndes loked as if he was brought down but the referee awarded nothing. Then the home Number 9 raced through but Malcolm showed superb pace and timing to catch the player and execute a brilliant saving tackle. Larrieu then had to make a stop from a well struck free kick, as the home side continued to press. A strange incident as the assistant referee needed treatment to his forehead, I am not sure why. Argyle started to put some moves together, with the keeper punching clear from a Sturrock cross, and then Bent sent a drive wide of the post. Both sides continued to go forward without really threatening each others goals, although Malcolm again showed good skill to make another saving tackle in the penalty area after Argyle had given away possession. Larrieu then made a good low save from a Montrose shot. The home side were better than I remembered from last year, and were certainly giving Argyle a decent test. However, it was Argyle that broke the deadlock when Evans fed Lowndes, and he showed superb control to beat two defenders before slotting home a low shot. Argyle continued to press and just before half time Phillips picked up a loose clearance, but his shot was blocked. A defender then gave away a corner. The ball was floated across and Taylor powered home a header to make it 2-0.


Action from Argyle v Montrose

No changes for Argyle in the second half, but Montrose had obviously been given a rollicking as they stepped up the pace. They pulled one back when a long range shot left Larrieu with no chance. Adams and Worrell replaced Wills and McGlinchey. Montrose suddenly looked dangerous, and the number 11 was left on his own, but Larrieu saved the shot. Argyle were better able to contain the home side and chances became few and far between. However, Argyle had a let off when the number 3 stole in at the back post for a cross. The shot went wide, but Larrieu may have got a touch as a corner was awarded. Further changes for Argyle with Coughlan, Friio and Keith all coming on, with Lowndes, Evans and Taylor coming off. Hodges moved to left back and Sturrock went up front.

Keith looked lively and tried to get on the end of a couple of balls. However, he was either off target, or a defender blocked the effort. The last few minutes saw Montrose try and get the equaliser but Argyle were not duly troubled, and the final whistle went with Argyle getting their second victory of the tour. A good work out and useful for some of the players who did not feature heavily last season, as they may find themselves in more demand over the coming months.

Huddle at Montrose

Argyle v Forfar Athletic

 Last season, Argyle beat Forfar quite convincingly, although I did feel that Forfar were the best side we faced on the tour. Again Argyle won the game, but the hosts made the Pilgrims battle all the way. Argyle lined up with Larrieu in goal, McGlinchey, Worrell, Wotton and Coughlan at the back, Beresford, Adams, Friio and Hodges in midfield plus Keith and Stonebridge up front. This is increasingly looking like the first choice eleven. Argyle had the better start but the hosts posed the first threat with a shot going over Larrieu, but also over the bar. Argyle started to create chances with Keith putting a header over the bar, and Wotton blasting a free kick that the keeper palmed over the bar. Larrieu showed his many talents, executing a superb diving header to clear the ball whilst out of his area. Stonebridge picked up a loose pass and sent a first time shot over the bar. The hosts came back with a fierce free kick deflected behind for a corner. Then the home number 9 wasted a good chance when Argyle lost possession. The home side were winning the midfield battles, as Argyle had 2 wingers in their midfield, as opposed to the home side's four straight midfield players. This was causing Argyle to be on the back foot too often, and something that will need to be worked on for the coming season. Another cross from the home side was cleared eventually, and it was looking grim. However, Argyle knuckled down and managed to regain the initiative, and even took the lead. Stonebridge fed the ball to Keith and he sent a superb drive into the top corner of the net. Stonebridge could have added to the lead after chasing a long ball, but he sent his chip straight to the keeper.


Action from Argyle v Forfar

Half time came, and when the team reappeared there were no changes. Argyle had the first move with Beresford haring down the right before sending in a cross. Hodges came running in to meet it, but Stonebridge made contact despite being in a worse position. Keith showed a nice touch down the right, passing the ball inside to Beresford, but as he tried to shoot he was tackled and the shot blocked. Friio went on a strong run through the middle, and as he broke free he was cynically fouled from behind. In a proper game the player would have received a red card, but the referee chose to use a few calming words. Wotton blasted the free kick over. Stonebridge then received a bad tackle that left him needing treatment, as tempers rose a little. Keith had a good chance to add to his tally, but sent his shot wide from a good position. The home side showed they were still a danger when they got the ball in Argyle's net, but the assistant referee's flag was raised. Substitutions started to be made, reducing the flow of the game. Evans came on for Stonebridge in Argyle's first change. Then Bent and Phillips replaced Hodges and Beresford. McGlinchey and Bent did well on the left, but McGlinchey's cross just evaded Argyle player's heads. The home side then had a low shot that went wide. Lowndes came on for Keith. Lowndes showed good footwork on the left and fed Jason Bent, but his shot was off target. Evans then chested the ball to Lowndes, who showed good close control to beat two or three defenders, but could not get the space for a shot, and was finally tackled.
Phillips went down the right and delivered a cross that Bent headed just over the bar. As the light faded, the Argyle fans started a chant of "My car's headlamps are brighter than this…", as the floodlights stayed off. Argyle finished with threats on the home goal, but the final whistle went with a hard earned win for Argyle. The team is now starting to get its fitness together, as well as combining well, so things are looking good for the new season.

The Tangergreen Army at Forfar

Argyle v Clyde

Argyle lost their last game of the pre-season tour of Scotland when Clyde claimed the victory through an Andy Kane header on 66 minutes. A cross in from the right was met by the player who converted from about 10 yards. A tired legged and weakened Argyle side accounted well for themselves against the strongest opponents of the week, Clyde finished fifth in Scottish Division One last term. A different line up at the start of the tour could have produced a different result. Paul Sturrock was delighted with the performance of the team. The talking point for Argyle fans though was the performance of 22 year old French trialist Osvaldo Lopes, a midfielder who has played in that position for Montpellier. After the match Paul Sturrock said of the trialist: “I like what I saw of him in this game and will speak to his agent to see if we can have a further look at him.”


Action from Argyle v Clyde

Clyde ended their pre-season with a confidence boosting win over English opposition, but there is still work to be done if they are to make a genuine challenge for the title this year. Clyde's first chance came after 5 minutes, when Paul Kane released Jack Ross on the right with a fine pass, but Kane's eventual shot, after Ross' cross was cleared, was poor. The game in the early stages was fairly even in the midfield, with both teams seeming happy to get the ball from back to front quite quickly. Andy Millen tried a nice dummy on the edge of the box which nearly paid off. Minutes later, after a scramble in the box, Keogh headed over from a Potter cross. Argyle made their first impression on the match after 16 minutes, when Nathan Lowndes collected a high ball over the top and put a low shot into Halliwell's arms. A couple of minutes later, Bryan Smith was caught in possession of the ball whilst trying to drive forward, and Lowndes hit a defence splitting pass to the Argyle forward who couldn't finish. Then came a flurry of attacks around the half hour mark. David Dunn had a turn and shot (albeit weak) saved by the 'keeper. Argyle immediately replied, and a low cross from the right couldn't quite be converted by the outstretched Lowndes. John Potter then had a header saved for The Bully Wee. Clyde's best chance of the half came after 42 minutes, when Pat Keogh missed an easy header on the 6 yard line from a Jack Ross cross. Just before half-time, Smith was again caught in possession but John Potter came across and covered well.

Once the match restarted it was obvious that Clyde were playing more urgently. 5 minutes in Pat Keogh missed another header, this time over the bar. It was deja vu 10 minutes later, but this time Keogh was much closer to scoring as the ball hit the roof of the net. The visitors came close to scoring on 64 minutes when Taylor flashed a volley just wide of the post from the edge of the box. The injection of pace up front added by subs Andy Kane and Convery was noticeably making a difference at this stage. Kane gave Clyde the lead on 66 minutes, connecting with a Ross cross from 8 yards to head Clyde in front. 2 minutes later, Kane could have scored again when he ran onto a long ball in the box, but he screwed his shot wide. Andy McLay and Leigh Hinds were on by this point, and both looked sharp and had some nice touches. With 15 minutes to go, Hinds had a typical run into the box and crossed the ball over, but Jack Ross' shot was deflected wide. Argyle, who were playing their 4th game in 8 days were visibly tiring by this point and a minute later Clyde had a great chance to score another. Andy Kane won the ball from a defender just outside the box, and managed to play Steve Convery in but he blasted over under pressure. The last action came with 2 minutes to go, when Leigh Hinds hit a good 25 yard free-kick into the 'keepers arms.

Paul Sturrock: Clyde are a very good side, and I think they will do will in the First Division. They are a big side and should cause a lot of problems at set pieces. Alan Kenaghan is an experienced player and he is going to take his experience into management now. I am sure he will be a great success. You saw tonight how they passed the ball and they looked at working hard to keep the shape of the team. Hopefully Clyde will benefit from Alan’s experience over the years to come.

The huddle at Clyde and .....

.... the Argyle bench at Brechin








July 21st Brechin City 3-2 Stonebridge, Evans, Sturrock   Larrieu, Worrell, McGlinchey, Friio, Coughlan, Beresford, Stonebridge, Adams, Wotton, Keith, Bent. Subs - Phillips, Hodges, Wills, Evans, Sturrock
July 22nd Montrose 2-1 Lowndes, Taylor 374 Larrieu, McGlinchey, Taylor, Lowndes, Evans, Phillips, Hodges, Wills, Bent, Sturrock, Malcolm. Subs - Worrell, Friio, Coughlan, Adams, Keith
July 24th Forfar Athletic 1-0 Keith   Larrieu, Worrell, McGlinchey, Friio, Coughlan, Beresford, Stonebridge, Adams, Hodges, Wotton, Keith. Subs - Bent, Evans, Phillips, Lowndes
July 26th Clyde 0-1   512 McCormick, Worrell, Taylor, Coughlan, Hodges, Phillips, Wills, Lopes, Bent, Lowndes, Sturrock. Subs - Malcolm, Friio

*with thanks to Dave from Rub of the Greens for match reports and diary and Steve from Greens on Screen for pictures


Match programmes from Brechin, Forfar and Montrose


 The page from the Montrose programme reflecting on the previous seasons friendly

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