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Greens on Screen started its life in 1999 before many of the football sites that we are familiar with today, including Plymouth Argyle's own official site. Greens on Screen is dedicated to the sights, sounds and history of Plymouth Argyle Football club. It is owned and run by the Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive, a charity dedicated to the promotion, preservation, and display of the heritage of our great football club.

The site owes its existence to Steve Dean.Without Steve's dedication and commitment for over 25 years, GoS would not exist and be the valued and loved resource for all football fans that it is today. The site is truly the envy of many clubs, and we owe a huge debt to Steve for his tireless work, and continued support behind the scenes.

Greens on Screen's first page was published in January 1999. Its early purpose was to bring Plymouth Argyle a little closer to those unable to see their team, and whilst it has changed a great deal over the years, its core themes - sights and sounds for Westcountry exiles - still stand. The site was very lucky to take on the content of Trevor Scallan's Semper Viridis in the summer of 2007, and in 2009 launched GoS-DB, a wealth of facts and figures from PAFC's history. A year later, we embarked on a complete history of Argyle, with much-valued contributions from chapter authors. Greens on Screen was taken over by its new custodians, The Argyle Archive, in 2024.

Greens on Screen is an amateur website and proud of it. It is run by a team of volunteers from the Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive (Argyle Archive). Without the hard work and much-valued contributions of these volunteers, running the site would not be possible. Greens on Screen is self-taught and as a result, a little bit quirky.

Greens on Screen remains advertisement free, which means we are grateful for the generous support of our donors and the work of our volunteers to help keep it free of promotions. If you would like to support the work of Greens on Screen, please consider donating to the Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive.

GoS's sole aim is to be a service to fellow supporters, and we look forward to continuing to celebrate Argyle's history for many years to come.

Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive.
April 2024

IMPORTANT: now I've got your attention I just want to get my excuses in before you start looking at this content. Two problems: first, the poor light of an evening game means that auto-exposures are long exposures, so the photos are inevitably going to be blurred with all the movement going on. And other photos have been captured from TV coverage (I try not to do that now, but hey, this is special!), which means that the resolution of the resulting still-image is bound to be poor. Secondly, the video and audio pieces here are extra long because they were just too good to cut! So that means I've had to be quite severe in compressing the files, hence not the best of quality, especially the audio. There, excuses done, but on the other hand the content is superb, so just think of the lack of quality as adding to the atmosphere!  Special thanks to Gordon Sparks for stunning radio; top coverage from a top man. And thanks to Tom Jarratt and James Mead (some of the photos are theirs), and to the BBC and Carlton Westcountry (some stills taken from their news reports). Finally, a big thank you to Tim Roughton for his video footage. I saw Tim with his camcorder on the pitch. Not knowing him I said who I was and he immediately handed over the tape for me to use! No questions asked, no second thought. That's what I call trust, that's what it is to be Green!


Football League Division 3

March 26th 2002

Rochdale 1 Argyle 3

Attendance: 4,457


Click on the thumbnails for the full images, use your back-button to return.

Thanks to all concerned (see above).


Much bigger files than normal because this is just too good to miss! If you can only spare a few minutes, click on the 'brief all-in-one' link. But much better, find a half an hour or so, sit yourself down with your favourite drink and click on each in turn. It doesn't get much better than this, so enjoy!

(and for an amusing moment, listen out for Coggo's interview)


Enter the gladiators





The final whistle and all the celebrations

and to summarise it all:

A brief all-in-one

Finally, acknowledgements. How about sending them a message?


All copyright BBC Radio Devon. .

Grateful thanks to Gordon Sparks and BBC Radio Devon for their permission to use programme extracts.


A real treat this, 'amateur' video footage from the stand and pitch gives a real taste of the atmosphere and excitement. Big thanks to Tim Roughton.

Warning: this is a large file (3300K) so will take around 15 minutes to download on a 56Kb line, but for nearly 2 minutes of raw celebration it's worth the wait)


BBC Devon

Early arrivers, and outside the packed chippy across the road, Keef and yours truly (very proud of birthday present!) ...

The team warm up, Pete already celebrating, but Argyle fans a bit more apprehesive ...

Goal celebrations ...

The final whistle, smiles, hugs and mobile phones ...

Let joy be unconfined ...

Greens on Screen is run as a service to fellow supporters, in all good faith, without commercial or private gain.  I have no wish to abuse copyright regulations and apologise unreservedly if this occurs. If you own any of the material used on this site, and object to its inclusion, please get in touch using the 'Contact Us' button at the top of each page. Search facility powered by JRank Search Engine. UK time at page load: 04 March 2025, 03:43.