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Greens on Screen started its life in 1999 before many of the football sites that we are familiar with today, including Plymouth Argyle's own official site. Greens on Screen is dedicated to the sights, sounds and history of Plymouth Argyle Football club. It is owned and run by the Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive, a charity dedicated to the promotion, preservation, and display of the heritage of our great football club.

The site owes its existence to Steve Dean.Without Steve's dedication and commitment for over 25 years, GoS would not exist and be the valued and loved resource for all football fans that it is today. The site is truly the envy of many clubs, and we owe a huge debt to Steve for his tireless work, and continued support behind the scenes.

Greens on Screen's first page was published in January 1999. Its early purpose was to bring Plymouth Argyle a little closer to those unable to see their team, and whilst it has changed a great deal over the years, its core themes - sights and sounds for Westcountry exiles - still stand. The site was very lucky to take on the content of Trevor Scallan's Semper Viridis in the summer of 2007, and in 2009 launched GoS-DB, a wealth of facts and figures from PAFC's history. A year later, we embarked on a complete history of Argyle, with much-valued contributions from chapter authors. Greens on Screen was taken over by its new custodians, The Argyle Archive, in 2024.

Greens on Screen is an amateur website and proud of it. It is run by a team of volunteers from the Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive (Argyle Archive). Without the hard work and much-valued contributions of these volunteers, running the site would not be possible. Greens on Screen is self-taught and as a result, a little bit quirky.

Greens on Screen remains advertisement free, which means we are grateful for the generous support of our donors and the work of our volunteers to help keep it free of promotions. If you would like to support the work of Greens on Screen, please consider donating to the Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive.

GoS's sole aim is to be a service to fellow supporters, and we look forward to continuing to celebrate Argyle's history for many years to come.

Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive.
April 2024

Football League Div 2

October 19th 2002
Crewe 0

Attendance: 6,733


   PAFC Official Site


   This is Plymouth (Mon)

   Crewe Official Site

   Crewe Rivals


to Gresty Road:

28 September, 1996

Crewe 3 Argyle  0

Attendance: 3,797

Argyle: Blackwell, Billy, Williams, Saunders (Logan), Heathcote, James, Leadbitter, Corazzin (Wotton), Littlejohn, Evans, Barlow.

 To display an image, position mouse over a camera icon, but do not click

(on most browsers, a pop-up caption will also appear).

For a larger version, click on the camera; use your back button to return. 

For sound, click on a microphone icon ; for video clips, click on a movie camera

Pride of place, Dan's mates with Mr Gordon Sparks



Thanks as ever to Dan Maddock for these photos and mini-videos (no sound with the video clips).

The new Railtrack Stand from the outside

The team coach arrives ...

... and the team head for the players' entrance Argyle fans queue for tickets
Dan Maddock's mates with the great god Sparksy

Warm up (1)

Warm up (2) Sparksy's commentary position right up at the back
Rolls Royce & Bentley Motors Family Stand

The Railtrack Stand

Looking towards the Gresty Road (Adtranz) Stand Steve Nicholson (?) selling copies of Rub of the Greens
The Green Army in the BMW Stand

Paul Wotton takes a free kick

Second half kick-off Going home, very happy
The team arrive Alexandra Stadium, Gresty Road Out they come Celebrations at the end


Commentators: Gordon Sparks & Chris Errington

David Norris's goal

Sparksy's  summary

Luggy's reaction

All copyright BBC Radio Devon.  Grateful thanks to Gordon Sparks and BBC Radio Devon for their permission to use programme extracts.

Greens on Screen is run as a service to fellow supporters, in all good faith, without commercial or private gain.  I have no wish to abuse copyright regulations and apologise unreservedly if this occurs. If you own any of the material used on this site, and object to its inclusion, please get in touch using the 'Contact Us' button at the top of each page. Search facility powered by JRank Search Engine. UK time at page load: 10 March 2025, 09:31.