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Then and Now

Pictures of Home Park, six months apart

As far as possible, I have tried to work out the exact same position to take these before-and-after photos. Of course 'before' was last summer and the 'after' pictures were taken this winter/spring, so the lighting conditions and state of the trees are very different.


Positional clues: cycle path (which is now elsewhere but the old line remains) and the lamppost, partly obscured in the old picture by a tree, which is also no more.  Just a general point that show up quite well here: for a finished product, the road surface at the Devonport is quite a mess. I can only guess that this is outside the Home Park boundary and therefore Plymouth City Council's responsibility. Perhaps this will be addressed when the wider Central Park renovation happens (anyone know if that's the view?). It's a pity because, along with the very shabby Home Park car park, it does give a very poor first impression for visitors. Just a personal thing!  

Thanks to the Club for giving access to Home Park